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The Opposite of Scarcity is Enough

I was reading Brene Brown's book Rising Strong, and one of her lines said "The opposite of scarcity is not abundance, the opposite of scarcity is enough". That just hit me in my heart, as I knew it was the truth. Over the past year I have been working towards an abundance mentality, and away from scarcity. Working with a Money Mindset coach we were able to shift our old beliefs and patterns and found ourselves in a comfortable, content mindset. 

The reason that Brene's line made such an impact on me, is because anywhere you look in society, on social media, quotes, coaches and sometimes even some books, it seems as though if we don't want scarcity in an area of our lives we need to attract abundance, right? But if we have built-in beliefs that are hard to let go about scarcity, how likely is it that we can simply jump into an abundance mentality? Not very, for me anyway. What I found when working with our Money Mindset coach was that she made us realize that no matter how bad things got we had skills we could use, we have family to lean on, and we have so very many opportunities in almost any direction that we could take. What I found was that actually, in this very moment, I have enough. I have enough financially, I have enough love around me, I live in a safe environment. So why was I so worried about scarcity? Because society has made it out that if we don't have an abundance, then we don't have enough. And if we don't have 'enough' then we should be stressed. If we don't have an abundance, then we can't keep up with the Jones'. 

When I shifted this incessant need to have an abundance to simply having enough, what I found was that I felt safe, and I really started to feel content and at peace. When I started to feel content about where I am, I opened up to attracting more into my life - more opportunities, more love and more money. When I moved from a place of fear and scarcity, to a place of contentment, suddenly everything shifted and the stress (which was all imagined and unrealistic stress) started to melt away. 

When we are in a place of contentment, we can begin to see things we couldn't see from a place of stress. When we are in a place of contentment, we open ourselves up to attracting so much more from the Universe or a higher power, and then we truly can start to attract an abundance from a place of love. 

Try listing all the ways in which you are enough and have enough, and see how you can allow scarcity to disintegrate. Instead of pushing it away, simply allow it to disappear. 


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