Welcome to Be Content with Coach Robs.
If you've come to this site because you feel like an area of your life is unbalanced and not in its full potential, then you are in the right place.
This blog is about sharing personal development strategies and stories with you to hopefully help you to create true contentment in your life and in your heart.
I have been exploring the idea of contentment versus striving and find that we are living in an interesting time where it seems that success is based on striving for more and always needing bigger and better lives. While I am a firm believer in living your best life - maybe that is bigger and better, or maybe not, I also truly believe that when we learn to enjoy being content in all areas of our lives, it brings joy, and when that happens, we can attract everything we've ever wanted into our lives by being in ease and flow with the Universe or your Higher Power of belief.
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