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Showing posts from March, 2020

Honor the Waves

I was in yoga class on Saturday - that's normally where I receive all my beautiful messages of wisdom. Towards the end of the class the teacher said that it is so important to honor the waves within us. Honor the waves of emotion, of change. I'm not sure about you but I often judge my low energy/negative feelings. I am naturally a positive person, so when I am feeling a bit low I can easily jump into a place a of judgement, wondering why I am feeling like that, why I'm not inspired and motivated to live my best life. But we can't be in a high energy all day every day. We can consistently be happier when we practice tools to get us there, like meditation, appreciation, exercise. But it is completely normal to have ups and downs. It is completely normal to feel a range of different emotions all the time. Especially as women, we experience different levels of hormones all the time which can have a huge effect on our emotions and mental well-being. What if we actually...

The Key to Happiness is Letting Go of Perfection

The other day I was struggling with some business mental blocks and giving myself some negative self-talk about why my business wasn't quite where I wanted it to be. It's funny how we all have a trigger, mine is money. If I start to feel stressed about money it triggers me and negative self talk starts to spiral, so I have to stop myself.  After having a chat with my mom, always so wise, she said to me "Robyn, you don't have to be an A student in everything". I started to really think about my life and realized that I've always been the type of person who strives to be great in every area of my life. In school I tried my hardest to get good marks, although not always A's haha. This trait has followed me into motherhood, career life and marriage. It's definitely not a bad trait as it means people like me are often working to make life the best it can be, however it can also lead to burn out or disappointment when we give all our energy to everything b...