The other day I was struggling with some business mental blocks and giving myself some negative self-talk about why my business wasn't quite where I wanted it to be. It's funny how we all have a trigger, mine is money. If I start to feel stressed about money it triggers me and negative self talk starts to spiral, so I have to stop myself.
After having a chat with my mom, always so wise, she said to me "Robyn, you don't have to be an A student in everything". I started to really think about my life and realized that I've always been the type of person who strives to be great in every area of my life. In school I tried my hardest to get good marks, although not always A's haha. This trait has followed me into motherhood, career life and marriage. It's definitely not a bad trait as it means people like me are often working to make life the best it can be, however it can also lead to burn out or disappointment when we give all our energy to everything but don't necessarily get the results we want.
So here I am, realizing that actually I can still give my best but not to a point of defeat. And that actually letting go of being the 'perfect' mother, 'perfect' wife, 'perfect' employee, 'perfect' business owner, 'perfect' everything, can actually bring me a whole lot of contentment. Because, lets be real, there is no such thing as perfect anyway. Who set that bar so high? We did, ourselves. We see peoples outside versions of their lives and think we need to live up to their exterior versions of the perfect women. When actually, all we need to be doing is focusing on the inner version of ourselves and making sure that whatever version that is, is good enough for us and the ones we love.
Easier said than done of course, especially for those A-types like myself. But something I am working on - being a 'perfectly average' mother, wife, career woman and citizen.
After having a chat with my mom, always so wise, she said to me "Robyn, you don't have to be an A student in everything". I started to really think about my life and realized that I've always been the type of person who strives to be great in every area of my life. In school I tried my hardest to get good marks, although not always A's haha. This trait has followed me into motherhood, career life and marriage. It's definitely not a bad trait as it means people like me are often working to make life the best it can be, however it can also lead to burn out or disappointment when we give all our energy to everything but don't necessarily get the results we want.
So here I am, realizing that actually I can still give my best but not to a point of defeat. And that actually letting go of being the 'perfect' mother, 'perfect' wife, 'perfect' employee, 'perfect' business owner, 'perfect' everything, can actually bring me a whole lot of contentment. Because, lets be real, there is no such thing as perfect anyway. Who set that bar so high? We did, ourselves. We see peoples outside versions of their lives and think we need to live up to their exterior versions of the perfect women. When actually, all we need to be doing is focusing on the inner version of ourselves and making sure that whatever version that is, is good enough for us and the ones we love.
Easier said than done of course, especially for those A-types like myself. But something I am working on - being a 'perfectly average' mother, wife, career woman and citizen.

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